Hedge funds deliver for everyday Americans. Pensions, university endowments, foundations, and nonprofits all invest in hedge funds in order to support the millions of Americans who depend on them.
July 12, 2024
The Role of Hedge Funds
Who benefits from investments in hedge funds and private credit funds? It’s everyday Americans.
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Hedge Funds Benefit Everyday Americans
The Role of Hedge FundsHedge funds may work on Wall Street, but they benefit Main Street. Across the country, millions of Americans benefit from investments in hedge funds through pe…
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Ash Williams on How Hedge Funds Benefit Retirees
PensionsHedge funds and alternative investments help benefit the Florida retirement system, protect capital in down markets, and support local communities.
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New Research Finds Colleges that Invest in Hedge Funds Benefit from Faster Endowment Growth
Colleges & UniversitiesUniversity endowments play a crucial role in providing access to higher education for students in need.
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Massachusetts Needs Hedge Funds to Help Fuel Our Economy
Small & Mid-Size BusinessesPrivate funds benefit the heart and soul of Massachusetts communities: small businesses.
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Dems Slam Hedge Funds – But They’re Key to Boosting Pensions
PensionsInvestments in hedge funds provide financial security to retirees in Massachusetts.