Hedge funds deliver for everyday Americans. Pensions, university endowments, foundations, and nonprofits all invest in hedge funds in order to support the millions of Americans who depend on them.
July 12, 2024
The Role of Hedge Funds
Who benefits from investments in hedge funds and private credit funds? It’s everyday Americans.
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Hedge Funds Provide Retirement Security
PensionsInvestments in hedge funds help provide retirement security for everyday Americans.
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Investments in Hedge Funds Help Ensure Access to Higher Education
Colleges & UniversitiesIn North Carolina, university endowments invest in hedge funds to create scholarships for thousands of students.
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Hedge Funds Play a Crucial Role in Our Healthcare System
Nonprofits & FoundationsInvestments in hedge funds provide essential services to many healthcare facilities in Georgia.
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Hedge Funds Deliver for Students
Colleges & UniversitiesColleges and universities across the country invest in hedge funds to provide educational opportunities for students.
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Hedge Fund Investments Help NC’s Colleges
Colleges & UniversitiesInvestments in hedge funds are vital for many North Carolina students.