Pension Plans

Hedge Funds Support Retired Americans

Ensuring Financial Security for Retirees

Pension plans across the country invest approximately $618 billion in hedge funds to help provide retirement income for more than 26 million American workers, including essential workers like teachers, firefighters, police officers, and first responders. Returns on hedge fund investments create financial stability and peace of mind for retirees and their families long after their careers have ended.
Learn how hedge funds and alternative credit play a crucial role in providing retirement security for pension funds.
The Utah State Retirement System invests approx.


in hedge funds to support the retirement of 220,406 plan participants and their futures.
The South Carolina Retirement System invests approx.


in hedge funds to help secure the retirement futures of its 535,669 public school teachers, administrators, and custodians.
The California State Teachers' Retirement System invests approx.


in hedge funds to provide secure retirements for over 1,222,234 plan participants.

Find out more about who benefits from hedge fund investment

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Small and Mid-Size Businesses

Illustration close up of two smiling students standing in front of a collegiate building

Colleges & Universities

Illustration of the outside of a nonprofit's office building

Foundations & Nonprofits

See how hedge funds help secure retirement income and provide peace of mind for everyday Americans.